Quick view Details MAD ANIMALS - MAD OX, MAD MONKEY, MAD DOG & MAD CAT 1/1 MSRP: Was: Now: $1.72 - $165.56 Choose Options Compare
Quick view Details CHICKEN LAYING EGG (BLOWS UP BALLOON) 2/1 MSRP: Was: Now: $2.45 - $160.26 Choose Options Compare
Quick view Details DIRTY DOG W/ CRACKLING SNAKE 1/1 MSRP: Was: Now: $0.72 - $206.28 Choose Options Compare
Quick view Details DOMINATOR STROBE FLASH POT 40/6 MSRP: Was: Now: $24.35 - $146.12 Choose Options Compare
Quick view Details MAGIC BUNNY/ VENOMOUS SNAKE/ HAPPY DINOSAUR 3/2 MSRP: Was: Now: $6.19 - $247.40 Choose Options Compare
Quick view POOP! 1/1 Poop! 1/1 Product ID: P6023A Smoke and poop! From Winda Fireworks! MSRP: Was: Now: $4.50 - $359.79 Choose Options Compare
Quick view HEN LAYING EGGS 2/1 Hen Laying Eggs 2/1 Product ID: DM-W701-2 This hen awakens with a loud whistle then lays a spray of sparks, red, and green eggs. Watch as this kickin' chicken lays eggs right before your eyes! MSRP: Was: Now: $0.78 - $203.22 Choose Options Compare
Quick view MAD ANIMALS - MAD OX, MAD MONKEY, MAD DOG & MAD CAT 1/1 Mad Animals - Mad Ox, Mad Monkey, Mad Dog & Mad Cat 1/1 Product ID: OX933 MSRP: Was: Now: $1.72 - $165.56 Choose Options Compare
Quick view F-116 FIGHTER JET F-116 Fighter Jet Product ID: DM951-50 This jet is loaded with heavy ammo of red missiles and white hot strobing stars. Great for anyone who likes jets and fireworks! F-116 Fighter Jet is by Dominator Fireworks! MSRP: Was: Now: $2.04 - $101.94 Choose Options Compare
Quick view WHISTLING BUNGHOLES 1/1 Whistling Bungholes 1/1 Product ID: JD1039 When regular snakes become too boring, try out Whistling Bungholes! Like the Dirty Dog, the Whistling Bunghole man has to go too! Ends with a crackle finish! MSRP: Was: Now: $1.00 - $261.50 Choose Options Compare
Quick view DOUBLE WHAMMY 3/1 Double Whammy 3/1 Product ID: SGW232 Get ready for a Double Whammy! This pack of crackling balls has 3 total and each ball has two huge bursts of crackling sparks! MSRP: Was: Now: $2.70 - $108.10 Choose Options Compare
Quick view CRACKLING WHIP 20/12 Crackling Whip 20/12 Product ID: DME1020 MSRP: Was: Now: $31.41 - $125.63 Choose Options Compare
Quick view MAD OX TANK 12/1 Mad Ox Tank 12/1 Product ID: OX-W705 The timeless classic that everybody loves especially kids - tanks! Each box comes with 12 tanks, all ready to storm the backyard! MSRP: Was: Now: $6.36 - $254.49 Choose Options Compare
Quick view DRAGONS BREATH 1/1 Dragon's Breath 1/1 Product ID: OX943 Don't be fooled by this dragon's cute exterior, because its fiery red 'breath' and crackling tail will have you sizzling with excitement! MSRP: Was: Now: $10.68 - $170.81 Choose Options Compare
Quick view TORTOISE 2/1 Tortoise 2/1 Product ID: DM-W716A Tortoise moves along the ground emitting silvery sparks! Super cute item that all kids are bound to love! From Dominator Fireworks. MSRP: Was: Now: $2.89 - $208.38 Choose Options Compare
Quick view CHICKEN LAYING EGG (BLOWS UP BALLOON) 2/1 Chicken Laying Egg (Blows Up Balloon) 2/1 Product ID: DM-W704 Great item for kids! They will love how the chicken lays an egg. Featuring a chicken that will blow up a balloon! Unique way to use hot air to inflate a balloon. Not only one chicken but two... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.45 - $160.26 Choose Options Compare
Quick view COCK CROWING AT DAWN 24/1 Cock Crowing at Dawn 24/1 Product ID: DM-W702 This crazy rooster emits showers of multi-colored sparks and finishes with some of the loudest whistles you have ever heard out of an item of this size! Bound to wake all up nearby. Including 24 in every pack... MSRP: Was: Now: $8.10 - $194.34 Choose Options Compare
Quick view FROG FIREWORKS 6/1 Frog Fireworks 6/1 Product ID: DM-W440 It's a frog! No warts worries here though. Just smoke, sparks, and fun! Keep your eye on this little frog as it tries to hop away. From Dominator Fireworks. MSRP: Was: Now: $5.66 - $205.85 Choose Options Compare
Quick view PRO STROBE - XL 3/1 Pro Strobe - XL 3/1 Product ID: DM986 A super intense ground strobe that lasts over 1 minute. It's blinding! It's just like the pros! This awesome firework is brought to you by Dominator Fireworks, which are China's Best! MSRP: Was: Now: $6.99 - $223.83 Choose Options Compare
Quick view DIRTY DOG W/ CRACKLING SNAKE 1/1 Dirty Dog w/ Crackling Snake 1/1 Product ID: DM969 This naughty dog is not house broken yet. What a mess! Featuring a crackling snake. This awesome firework is brought to you by Dominator Fireworks, which are China's Best! MSRP: Was: Now: $0.72 - $206.28 Choose Options Compare
Quick view LAND MINES 3/1 Land Mines 3/1 Product ID: DM967 It's BIG! It's WIDE! It's LOUD! It's everything you want in a crackling ground mine. When this land mine goes off it throws sparks and crackle a long way! Look out for this 3 pack of land mines! This awesome... MSRP: Was: Now: $3.17 - $126.90 Choose Options Compare
Quick view F-116 FIGHTER JET 1/1 F-116 Fighter Jet 1/1 Product ID: DM951 This jet is loaded with heavy ammo of red missiles and white hot strobing stars. Great for anyone who likes jets and fireworks! This awesome firework is brought to you by Dominator Fireworks, which are... MSRP: Was: Now: $1.97 - $295.89 Choose Options Compare
Quick view CRUSHER TRUCK 1/1 Crusher Truck 1/1 Product ID: DM949 Look out for this monster truck as it takes down anything in the way. This truck moves forward with whistle and emits red and green color stars, then moves back. Great for kids who love trucks! This awesome... MSRP: Was: Now: $3.33 - $108.82 Choose Options Compare
Quick view RACER ONE 1/1 Racer One 1/1 Product ID: DM942 Racer One is a great ground item! It uses a rocket to shoot the car across even flat ground. From Dominator Fireworks. MSRP: Was: Now: $7.64 - $183.44 Choose Options Compare
Quick view DOMINATOR STROBE FLASH POT 40/6 Dominator Strobe Flash Pot 40/6 Product ID: DM1002 Featuring bright, colorful, flashing lights with a great package. Enough to last awhile with 40 packs of 6! Thats enough flash pot to keep anyone happy! From Dominator Fireworks. MSRP: Was: Now: $24.35 - $146.12 Choose Options Compare
Quick view CRACKLING BALL 12/6 Crackling Ball 12/6 Product ID: DM-0205A If you like crackling, this box is loaded with 12 packs of 6. Just light the fuse for a loud crackling, strobe effect. Pop, Zip and Zing! From Dominator Fireworks! MSRP: Was: Now: $5.45 - $87.25 Choose Options Compare
Quick view FRIENDSHIP PAGODA 1/1 Friendship Pagoda 1/1 Product ID: BW-W613A Spins with beautiful gold sparks and opens into a Chinese pagoda keepsake. A classic that everyone likes growing up! From Blast Wave Fireworks! MSRP: Was: Now: $2.26 - $295.43 Choose Options Compare
Quick view MAGIC BUNNY/ VENOMOUS SNAKE/ HAPPY DINOSAUR 3/2 Magic Bunny/ Venomous Snake/ Happy Dinosaur 3/2 Product ID: BS7007 A fun new spin on the classic snake. Kids will love the new animals! From Bright Star Fireworks. MSRP: Was: Now: $6.19 - $247.40 Choose Options Compare