Pricing List

For orders via E-mail: Download the excel sheet via file then click download choose Excel. Add your order amounts to excel sheet using cs at the end to note cases then email order to: including your Name, Address, Phone Numbers, and Company Name. Optional: For no taxes: Wholesale Tax ID. For ordering Pro Line attach a copy of proof of training from RKM Fireworks, PGI, NFA or a 1.3 license. For 1.3G orders attach a copy of your ATF license you will also need to bring it in for pick up and fill out the Customer Info From Print or Download.

RKM Fireworks Tier Pricing:

Tier Amount Spent
Wholesale Under $999
Tier 1 $1000 to $2,499 
Tier 2 $2,500 to $9,999 
Tier 3 $10,000 At that tiers price or orders minimum 100cs


Tier discount does not apply to 1.4G and ProLine pieces. Pieces will receive a minimum 10% upcharge from the tier price.

Scroll to the bottom for direct links to the sheets and downloads. You must now login to view pricing and be assigned to tier 1 or above to view all tiers.