Quick view Details INDIGO BLUE (PURE BLUE) 1/1 MSRP: Was: Now: $16.83 - $134.67 Choose Options Compare
Quick view Details 5 BALL MAGICAL ROMAN CANDLE 4/1 MSRP: Was: Now: $1.62 - $53.04 Choose Options Compare
Quick view Details 8 SHOT BLUE THUNDER CANDLE 3/1 MSRP: Was: Now: $2.45 - $117.61 Choose Options Compare
Quick view Details 5 BALL MAGICAL ROMAN CANDLE 3/1 MSRP: Was: Now: $1.26 - $110.12 Choose Options Compare
Quick view Details ASSAULT CANDLE ASSORTMENT 12/1 MSRP: Was: Now: $8.38 - $91.43 Choose Options Compare
Quick view Details RIPCORD - PARACHUTE ROMAN CANDLE 1/1 MSRP: Was: Now: $5.47 - $179.05 Choose Options Compare
Quick view Details SMALL MAGICAL 10 BALL ROMAN CANDLE 12/1 MSRP: Was: Now: $2.63 - $191.30 Choose Options Compare
Quick view INDIGO BLUE (PURE BLUE) 1/1 Indigo Blue (Pure Blue) 1/1 Product ID: JS-RC01B This roman candle has 288 shots of beautiful blue pearls and red strobes! MSRP: Was: Now: $16.83 - $134.67 Choose Options Compare
Quick view INDIGO BLUE 1/1 Indigo Blue 1/1 Product ID: JS-RC01 Each candle has 288 shots of beautiful blue and red pearls with crackle at the end! MSRP: Was: Now: $16.83 - $134.67 Choose Options Compare
Quick view 5 BALL MAGICAL ROMAN CANDLE 4/1 5 Ball Magical Roman Candle 4/1 Product ID: DM-T6513-4 With each candle having 5 magical shots and 4 candles per pack, that gives you 20 total shots of colorful pearls flying into the sky! From Dominator Fireworks. MSRP: Was: Now: $1.62 - $53.04 Choose Options Compare
Quick view 180 SHOT COLOR CANNON 1/1 180 Shot Color Cannon 1/1 Product ID: DM1406 A large roman candle that packs in the height and the color! This is the 180 Shot Color Cannon, has 180 rapid shots of red and green stars with crackling pearls! MSRP: Was: Now: $11.02 - $200.40 Choose Options Compare
Quick view 8 SHOT BLUE THUNDER CANDLE 3/1 8 Shot Blue Thunder Candle 3/1 Product ID: DM-T6514BT For being a small bore roman candle, this 8 Shot Blue Thunder packs a punch! There are three candles included and with 8 poppin’ shots! MSRP: Was: Now: $2.45 - $117.61 Choose Options Compare
Quick view 5 BALL MAGICAL ROMAN CANDLE 3/1 5 Ball Magical Roman Candle 3/1 Product ID: DM-T6513-3B With each candle having 5 magical shots and 3 candles per pack, that gives you 15 total shots of colorful pearls flying into the sky! From Dominator Fireworks. MSRP: Was: Now: $1.26 - $110.12 Choose Options Compare
Quick view PLATINUM PINK SINGLES 1/1 Platinum Pink Singles 1/1 Product ID: DM1435 Perfect for those wanting a professional effect comet for their backyard show! This is the Platinum Pink single candle! Each candle has 5 pink comet shots! MSRP: Was: Now: $2.26 - $162.37 Choose Options Compare
Quick view ASSAULT CANDLE ASSORTMENT 12/1 Assault Candle Assortment 12/1 Product ID: DM436 Shot Count: 10 shots each, 120 shots total A 12 pack candle assortment in a clear bag with a header card. Effects include crackling candle, color and report, roman candle with tail, whistling, and... MSRP: Was: Now: $8.38 - $91.43 Choose Options Compare
Quick view RIPCORD - PARACHUTE ROMAN CANDLE 1/1 Ripcord - Parachute Roman Candle 1/1 Product ID: DM1422 Five shots, with each shot releasing a large parachute. A great daytime item! This awesome firework is brought to you by Dominator Fireworks, which are China's Best! MSRP: Was: Now: $5.47 - $179.05 Choose Options Compare
Quick view SMALL MAGICAL 10 BALL ROMAN CANDLE 12/1 Small Magical 10 Ball Roman Candle 12/1 Product ID: DM-T6236 This pack of assorted Roman Candles is an incredible value with 10 shots in each candle and 12 candles in one pack! From Dominator Fireworks. MSRP: Was: Now: $2.63 - $191.30 Choose Options Compare